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Pecorino Fresco

Fresh Pecorino, minimum ripening: 10 days. Store between +4°C – +10°C. Size approx. 1.3 kg, vacuum packing is not recommended. Cylindrical shape with flat faces and convex sides. The rind is smooth, thin, ranging in color from white to yellow according to ripening.

Pecorino semistagionato

Semi-ripened Pecorino, minimum ripening: 40 days. Store between +4°C – +10°C. Size approx. 1.35 kg, suitable for vacuum packing. Cylindrical shape with flat faces and convex sides. The rind is slightly uneven due to the texture of the moulds, the red color is due to the treatment with tomato paste. White paste, light presence of holes. Smell: herbaceous scents. Delicate flavour, with a hint of fresh curd and slightly acidic lactic acid.

Pecorino Riserva Morchiato

Ripened Pecorino, minimum ripening: 120 days. Store between +4°C – +10°C. Size approx. 1.25 kg, suitable for vacuum packing. Cylindrical shape with flat faces and convex sides. The rind is slightly uneven due to the texture of the moulds, the black color is due to the treatment with charcoal. Ivory-white paste, irregular holes. Hint of melted butter and sheep, good persistence. Sapid taste, slightly sticky consistency with good persistence. Hint of herbs and sheep.

Pecorino Gran Riserva

20,00 150,00 
Ripened Pecorino, produced only in spring time, ripened for about 12 months. Store between +4°C – +10°C. Size approx. 5.5 kg, in order to face long ripening, olive oil treatment of the rind, suitable for vacuum packing. Cylindrical shape with flat faces and straight sides. The rind is irregular due to the texture of the moulds, dark yellow color, treated with olive oil.

Marzolino fresco

Fresh Pecorino, minimum ripening: 10 days. Store between +4°C – +10°C. Size approx. 0,8 kg, vacuum packing is not recommended. Ovoid in shape with flat sides and convex sides. The rind is smooth, thin, ranging in color from white to yellow according to ripening. White paste, light presence of holes. Smell of freshly milked milk and cream. Sweet taste, creamy texture, hint of freshly milked milk.

Ricotta di Pecora

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A dairy product obtained exclusively by processing whey, it is a low-fat product, rich in noble proteins and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus; It can be enjoyed on its own, sweetened with sugar, honey and jam or flavoured with cocoa; It is the ingredient for many typical recipes such as ravioli or cannelloni ricotta and spinach and for the preparation of desserts;

Marzolino al tartufo

A soft but firm cheese, after the curd breaks, it is enriched with a precious black truffle mixture. It has a very thin white rind that tends to thicken as it matures. Excellent at the beginning and end of a meal, but also used as an ingredient in cooking. It goes well with young wines and sparkling wines.

Marzolino al peperoncino

Pecorino enriched with chilli, matures for 15 days, storage: 120 days between +4°C - +10°C. Size approx. 0.800 kg, suitable for vacuum packing. Ovoid in shape with flat sides and convex sides. The rind is thin, slightly uneven due to the texture of the moulds, colour from white to light yellow, fragments of chilli pepper are visible on the surface. White, compact and tender paste. Sweet and sapid taste, strong hint of chilli pepper.

Pecorino vinaccia

20,00 38,00 
Pecorino refined with grape pomace, ripening in a controlled environment for the first 4 months and refined in pomace for 2 months, vacuum packed storage at +4°C. Size approx. 1.3 kg, vacuum packed. Cylindrical in shape with flat sides and convex sides. Thin and moist rind of grape pomace color, it is recommended to remove it to avoid foreign flavours. White paste, absent holes. Flavour with characteristic hint of wine.

Pecorino di fossa

21,00 40,00 
Pecorino matured in a pit in Sogliano al Rubicone, matured in a controlled environment for 4 months, each wheel is packed in a cotton bag and pitted for 3 months, vacuum-packed at 4°C. Size approx. 1.25 kg, vacuum packed. The shape is strongly influenced by the pit passage and is often elongated compared to the original. Light crumbly and unctuous crust that remains wrapped in the bag, it is recommended to remove it by scraping to avoid extraneous flavours. Straw-yellow paste, slight eye formation. Particularly strong, complex, slightly spicy flavour with a hint of sheep and hay.

Pecorino foglianoce

22,00 42,00 
Pecorino ripened in terracotta jars with walnut leaves, ripened in a controlled environment for the first 4 months, aged for 2 months. Vacuum storage at 4°C. Size approx. 1.25 kg, vacuum packed. The shape is rounded, deformed by refinement Thin greasy yellow-green rind covered with walnut leaves, it is recommended to remove to avoid foreign flavours. Light yellow paste, crumbly, absent holes. Particular taste, slightly spicy flavour reminiscent of walnut leaf, scent of sheep.


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Pecorino with acid coagulation, ready for consumption in 24 hours, storage: 15 days at 4°C. Size approx. 120 gr, single wrapped package, short-term consumption. Roll-shaped. Absent rind. Compact white marbled paste with a slightly sandy spreadable consistency, typical of cheeses of this sort. Sapid taste and lactic acidity, the fat gives creaminess with the progress of ripening.


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Fresh pecorino, ready for consumption after 24 hours, storage: 15 days at 4°C. Size approx. 1.2 kg, wrapped package (heat-sealed tray). Parallelepiped shape with a slightly convex sides. Snow-white rind, moist with a soft consistency. White paste with irregular holes, particularly moist. Sweet taste of fresh milk, hint of fresh milk and yoghurt


Fresh pecorino cheese with penicillium candidum bloomy rind, ready for consumption in 20 days, storage 60 days between +4°C – +10°C. Size approx. 0.800 kg, wrapped package. Cylindrical shape with flat faces and often deformed convex sides. Candid white edible rind, soft and thickens with ripening. White paste with uniform holes. Sweet flavour of milk cream, soft consistency tending to cream, hint of fresh mushroom and cooked butter.


21,00 39,00 
Semi-ripened Pecorino with semi-cooked paste, ready for consumption after 20 days of ripening, vacuum-packed storage at 4°C. Size approx. 1.9 kg, vacuum packing. Cylindrical in shape with flat faces and straight sides. Intense yellow rind, thin, edible and smooth. Very elastic paste without holes, suitable for cooking.


17,00 64,00 
Blue-veined cheese with Penicillium Roqueforti, ready for consumption after 90 days of ripening. Store between +4°C – +10°C. Size approx. 2 kg, wrapped package. Cylindrical in shape with flat faces and straight sides. Dark green rind with presence of mould, thin and elastic. Paste with irregular marbling with classic blue and green streaks, compact and easy to melt. Sapid and complex flavour with a long persistence. Typical aroma of mould.


Di forma quadrata con facce piane e scalzo convesso Crosta sottile e irregolare giallo chiaro, risulta sottile e umida. Pasta uniforme con occhiatura quasi assente. Sapore sapido e complesso con sentori lattici e di cagliata matura, consistenza molle.